The new year is upon us. I can hardly believe it's 2011 already! This marks the third decade you and I will have existed in. That's bizarre. To celebrate or punish ourselves, we'll decide at the end of the year, Haley and I have created a resolution. We're going to scale a building in New York! No, in actuality our challenge is something much more difficult. Something that requires death defying feats and more determination than all the Harry Potter characters combined. We are going to do a daily blog. I know, it's shocking but what better way to improve for the new year? A daily blog will push Haley and I to the brink of insanity every day and force us to become creative. Well, more creative (which is almost impossibly seeing as we already have at least 10 insane thoughts a day). Along the way there will be weekly challenges to each other and I'm sure many shenanigans will ensue. Now, like any good project that has two fanatical contributors, there needs to be rules. Honestly, if there were not rules nothing would ever get done on this blog. Think of them as the ten commandments of blogging if you will or the pirates code of writing(except these aren't guidelines). Anyhow these rules must be followed or there will be a wrathful punishment for the offender:
1. Hence fourth this blog shall be updated daily Monday through Friday. (We don't count the weekend as days since we are both inherently lazy).
2. There shall be one challenge per week.
3. The challenger may not remain the same person each week.
4. All challenges must be completed unless the challenged is able to present a legitimate reason as to why this challenge is not possible or just dumb.
5. Challenges may not inflict harm on others (seriously).
6. There must be at least one picture per post.
7. Posts must be two sentences short minimum.
8. If for some bizarre reason a blogger is not able to post on their designated day, either a post shall be emailed to the other blogger in advance with an apologetic note and promise of candy OR.....
A blogger may use 12 passes for days where they just don't have the time to blog. There is only one pass for each month. They are cumulative, you may save them.
9. If a blogger fails to post, the other blogger may not post. THERE WILL BE NO DOUBLE POSTING! (This applies more to me than to you...)
10. Remember, we blog for love.
Happy New Year and Happy Blogging.
Let the Challenge Begin!
Let the Challenge Begin!
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