Friday, July 9, 2010

It's hot. Like, really hot.

Hey Rhea. Its me, your partner-in-crime, your bestest buddy, and this is definitely going to one of those "Im calling to report that I have absolutely nothing to report" Situations. I hope to make up for it by putting some of those crazy hat pictures up over the weekend...but, for now, here we go.

Its hot. Like, really hot. In the words of Steven Colbert, "I would like to go some where cooler over my holiday. Like, a middle-eastern desert." I think it was Tuesday that the record high in Central Park was 106 degrees, and, about 65 miles away, the small town of Cornwall is in a state of total hibernation. I attempted to go for a walk yesterday, and ended up asleep under a tree. All of the grass is unpleasantly crunchy, and I have to wait for the sun to set before I can ride my bike without keeling over. So, I apologize for the lack of stories that do not have something to do with daytime television. I am going to get to swim in my friends pool tomorrow, though, so Ill stop my complaining.

I really enjoyed your Israel pictures; they were really beautiful. And I went to Barnes and Noble the other day and picked up Looking for Alaska, and a ton of other books to last me these hot, boring days. My Fourth of July (while, again, HOT) was fun; our town has a super-cute, village-wide, hometown celebration, with a craft fair and a parade and fireworks, so its always great.

I know, I know, this was SUPER short, but I promise to put those pics up over the weekend (my camera is being a jerk). And then we are going to Cape May for a few days, so I wont be able to post. And I cant wait to see you in just a few weeks!

Luv ya! Hope its cooler in Wisconsin! (Im sure it is!)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Most Beautiful Unibrow I've Ever Seen

I know, I know, I KNOW! Stop it already Haley! I know I just posted but, I promise this will be quick. Besides, this is important! How many times a year does Frida Kahlo's birthday come around? Only one, and it's today. ***(See Footnote)***

Frida Kahlo 1907-1954
Frida Kahlo painted herself and the world the way she saw it. Many of her famous works were self potraits in which she did not attempt to beautify herself at all. In many of her portraits she sports a unibrow, physical injuries, and is clearly in pain. At a time when it wasn't popular, she gave the world an uncomprimising view of feminism and activism. There is a book of Kahlo's works that sit on my family's coffee table at home. When I was younger, the potraits scared and repulsed me. (Ok, they still scare me. Now it's in a more creeped out in awe way.) Several years older, I respect Ms. Kahlo for her abilitity to paint the world in vibrate colors but, still express the problems and pain she saw in it. I think that's what most artists strive to do, and it's what I hope to be able to do in the future as an artist. I will leave you with the inspiring images and words of Ms. Kahlo, because anything I say just pales in comparison to the vibrance of her art work. (Also, I'm clearly not as cool or brilliant as Frida Kahlo)

The Two Fridas (A Self Potrait)

Sandías con leyenda: Viva la vida”(Watermelons with legend: The life lives) was painted several days before her death

Probably Kahlo's most famous self-potrait

"I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality."- Frida Kahlo

***Footnote*** Frida Kahlo died in 1954. I guess that means it's technically not her birthday, but the anniversary of her birthday? Is that how that works? Could you let me know, because now I've completely confused myself. Enough of that, point is she is most unfortunately dead.