Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Everything Changes....Nothing Stays the Same.
I believe you probably remember our dear friend Carly singing this line in her original song that she wrote at camp a few years ago. (Yes, this is the epic arts camp that changed our lives, gave us our best friends, and allowed us to experience moshing, theater, and ceramics first hand. BE JEALOUS) Well, I've recently realized Carly is right. I mean she often is, but this time she's REALLY REALLY RIGHT. Everything Changes. Nothing can stay the same. Including this blog. We had high aspirations for it, but they were crushed as the year progressed. So we shall try again. A blog reboot so to speak. Haley and Rhea take on 2.0. Corners of the Sky Uprgraded. Call it what you like, but it al means the same thing. We're going to try again. This i am grateful for. Yes, we may have failed but everything changes including us and this blog. Our friendship has and will never falter but our writing obviously does. So I'm grateful for when we can write.
What are you grateful for? That's this weeks challenge. To list the things that matter most. (No order is necessary)
1) You and my other friends who love me despite the tremendous amount of flaws I possess.
2)The ability to change my situation. The fact that things change regardless of how I feel about them.
3) My family.
4) My sister.
5) Music and art.
6) Food and how delicious it is.
7) Seeing the world.
8) The outdoors.
9) Books, specifically Harry Potter, cause without them I don't know where I'd be.
10) Camp. For everything its given me: the people I love, the confidence to be me, the ability to create art, and teaching me about the hard to learn things in life like courage.
11) Sunshine.
12) Ridiculous things like Miu Miu shoes and Marchessa gowns.
13) Pillows and warm blankets.
14) Learning to like myself as much as I like my friends.
15) Happiness.
Of all the things in my life I think I am most grateful for the ability to heal.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
You shall Fly to the Moon in a Rocket... AND NEVER RETURN
So, you posted a very compelling piece in the spirit of Pterodactyl superiority. I feel it necessary to reciprocate so without further ado I present the epic, old as time debate of ZOMBIES VS. UNICORNS.
It is often hard to choose the lesser of two evils, but in the case of one of the world’s more important feuds it is critical. It is reasonable to prefer the hard truths of “pure” unicorns to the destruction brought about by flesh eating, rotting zombies. Many mythical creatures are created to represent the fears that humans possess about humanity and the world. For instance, scholars believe werewolves were a popular explanation for serial murders in the Middle Ages; zombies were created to be a personification of death that was fightable. However, unicorns are one of the rare creatures that are not born out of fear but rather hope. As stated by Marriana Mayer, “The unicorn is the only fabulous beast that does not seem to have been conceived out of human fears. In even the earliest references he is fierce yet good, selfless yet solitary, but always mysteriously beautiful.” In Europe, during the Renaissance and Middle Ages, unicorns were hunted for their prized horns which were believed to provide healing powers for the sick. Unlike today’s connotation of the word unicorn, which evokes an image of a pretty pony with flowers spewing from its mouth, during the Renaissance unicorns were depicted as elusive, masculine, powerful creatures that only the pure at heart could touch. In a fable from the Middle Ages, a maiden finds herself trapped with a unicorn that approaches her and precedes to fall asleep in her lap. The fable is a metaphor for the Virgin Mary (the maiden) and Jesus (the unicorn). Unicorns are more revered than other mythical animals of the Renaissance such as vampires or zombies which are feared and believed to be workers for the devil. Besides being born out of human hope with healing powers, unicorns came to embody some of the most powerful countries in the world. It’s not surprising that rulers of Scotland, France, Germany, and Switzerland choose the unicorn as their representative symbol. It is hard to find another creature that can easily maim people and look pretty while doing it. The rulers of these empires felt that a unicorn truly embodied the strength of their country. However, as noted zombie apologist John Green pointed out, “unicorns were left off the ark for a reason.” Green sums up his pro zombie agenda saying that zombies foster better apocalypse novels and better movies. While the zombie apocalypse novel is well established, take note of Diana Peterfrund’s Rampant, an apocalypse novel in which unicorns are blood thirsty creatures that impale people with their horns. Also recall the various quasi zombie films that have played in the last thirty years; they have become so redundant with mindless monsters pillaging and killing. Consider, a world that acknowledges the superiority of unicorns: it would be possible to enjoy a book in which a pretty creature is also a deadly threat. It would be possible to live in a world that acknowledges the importance of hope over the triumph of death. Most importantly, it would be possible to sit through a monster movie without the eating of brains.
You know where I stand Haley. Where do you?
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Happy St. Valentine's Day!!!
TADAAA! M&M's...with your face on them. So if you were looking for the perfect gift to give that special someone...this is NOT it. Happy kinda lame holiday!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Even more important than that though is it's your birthday!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Good evening, Rhea...Did that sound extremely creepy? Because I'm trying to figure out if you can say 'good evening' to someone without it sounding like, "Hello. Would you like to follow me into this dark alley?" I think it all has to do with inflection, but when you're reading, you generally rely on the adjectives used to describe the way characters talk...but there isn't really a specific adjective for, "In a way that did NOT sound like a rapist." At least I don't think so. Aren't words fun? But anyway, I got in a huge fight with my friend on the bus yesterday about the scariness superiority of two of the most terrifying beast-creature things that the universe has ever decided to thrust upon our tiny rock of a planet. I'm not going to tell you which side I picked; I want to pose an unbiased list of pros and cons, and let you make an educated decision based on facts. I will be completely impartial. So now I give you...
Now, I would have put up a few more pics of sharks and pterodactyls...but everything is being stupid. So just in case you didn't know, a Pterodactyl is a terrifying beast of terror that's pretty much a bird/dragon/dinosaur, and which swoops down from above to grab its prey in its pointy bird beak.
A shark is a really big fish.
Pterodactyls have the advantage of surprise. They can swoop down at any minute and from anywhere.
Sharks look stupid not in water.
Pterodactyls have beaks AND sharp, needle-like teeth, giving them the ability to rip your face off whilst skewering you like a schiscabob (How the heck do you spell that?).
Sharks accidentally take bites of people when they think we're something tasty.
Mother Pterodactyls will often carry human victims back to their nest to be devoured by their young.
Sharks have unusually large livers.
The word 'Pterodactyl' comes from the Greek 'Pterosaur' meaning 'winged lizard'. It also contains the word terror if you switch a few letters.
Sharks were originally referred to as Sea Dogs.
Pterodactyls, apart from their ability to fly, could also run or walk on land.
Sharks look stupid not in water.
Scientist are not yet sure if the Pterodactyl had any predators.
Sharks get PWND by killer whales.
Pterodactyls make chilling screeching sounds before they strike.
Sharks still exist.
...I'll let you decide.
Moving on to topic number two, I'm really pumped about this book donation thing. I think we should ask some of our friends to donate, and see how many we get. I found a good charity, the only issue is its general farness form where either of us live. A problem that i am sure we can overcome. Here's the link.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
OOOPS...Funny How the Ones and the Twos look the Same.
It's no your birthday. It won't be your birthday for another five days. I just realized that I had your birthday down as the 14th in my calender. It's the 24th. Silly me! I was ready to cut you some slack about your lack of love for this blog, but now you have no excuse! This confession has been your downfall my friend! Let the comments show it is not your birthday and now you shall update regularly!
Moving on from the angst and anger, I have a limited amount of time due to my failing science fair project and exams so this post must be short. I had an entire fashion spread ready to put together, but I don't have the time to make it worthy of this blog. Perhaps this weekend I shall upload my pictures. Perhaps not, like I said I have exams following the weekend. We'll be lucky if I manage to post at all. (Technically, this would not be a violation of the rules since it is only required that a blogger post Monday through Friday.)
Speaking of following rules, here is my picture for the day. (Yes Haley, it is required to have a picture!
I choose to share this comic strip, because I totally saw these three couples in the hall today. I find that freaky, disturbing, and funny all at the same time!
To continue your education in the ways of YouTube, I have provided you another video. I don't know if you'll agree that this video beats the adorable, sneezing elephant, (which I really enjoyed) but if you watch her channel you'll find Meekakitty to be very entertaining. This YouTuber (her real name is Tessa) is another geektastic person, as you can probably deduce from the star trek costume. She happens to be friends with the Vlogbrothers which I think is pretty cool! Also she's amazing and gorgeous and OH YEAH TALENTED. As much as I love people like that, I sometimes want to hate them a little bit.
I think I'll just let the second video speak for itself. You can figure out it's back story. I will leave you with this thought to ponder: on the top ten list of favorite YouTubers, two of the boys in this video rank three and four. Guess which ones they are and why. Also, when I am feeling stressed I like to listen to this song because it is so eloquent,and expresses crazy teenage emotions without every stopping sounding beautiful. That's something really rare as I think the original version of this song lacks this one's pizazz.
So I leave you in the capable hands of the Son's of Admirals.