I believe you probably remember our dear friend Carly singing this line in her original song that she wrote at camp a few years ago. (Yes, this is the epic arts camp that changed our lives, gave us our best friends, and allowed us to experience moshing, theater, and ceramics first hand. BE JEALOUS) Well, I've recently realized Carly is right. I mean she often is, but this time she's REALLY REALLY RIGHT. Everything Changes. Nothing can stay the same. Including this blog. We had high aspirations for it, but they were crushed as the year progressed. So we shall try again. A blog reboot so to speak. Haley and Rhea take on 2.0. Corners of the Sky Uprgraded. Call it what you like, but it al means the same thing. We're going to try again. This i am grateful for. Yes, we may have failed but everything changes including us and this blog. Our friendship has and will never falter but our writing obviously does. So I'm grateful for when we can write.
What are you grateful for? That's this weeks challenge. To list the things that matter most. (No order is necessary)
1) You and my other friends who love me despite the tremendous amount of flaws I possess.
2)The ability to change my situation. The fact that things change regardless of how I feel about them.
3) My family.
4) My sister.
5) Music and art.
6) Food and how delicious it is.
7) Seeing the world.
8) The outdoors.
9) Books, specifically Harry Potter, cause without them I don't know where I'd be.
10) Camp. For everything its given me: the people I love, the confidence to be me, the ability to create art, and teaching me about the hard to learn things in life like courage.
11) Sunshine.
12) Ridiculous things like Miu Miu shoes and Marchessa gowns.
13) Pillows and warm blankets.
14) Learning to like myself as much as I like my friends.
15) Happiness.
Of all the things in my life I think I am most grateful for the ability to heal.
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